back update: is my back improving?
what can i do to fade my back hyperpigmentation?
Skincare Suggestions
Before and After using Naturium
It seems like my skin is getting worse?
how long until i stop my dermatica tret prescription?
Updated Turkey ‘haul’
treclin help!
treclin help! [Product Question]
After Treclin
Has anyone used Aklief for keratosis Pilaris ?
[Routine Help] Hydroquinone making my skin darker
is this product any good? help!
Cos De Baha Preservatives
[product question] what are your experiences with this product?
Cos de baha hydroquinone
how has your experience with this product been?
how has this product worked for you?
how has this product been for you?
First AB Haul!!
Impulsively bought Cos de Baha's 2% hydroquinone serum last night to use on the dark hyperpigmentation scars on my back + legs. How to use safely/reduce risk of rebound hyperpigmentation? I'm a 4/5 on the Fitzpatrick skin type scale.
[Routine Help] Incorporating hydroquinone in my skincare routine
[Discussion] Cos de Baha Hydroquinone Brightening Serum