To cut my hair or not?
I feel like I'm in a bad dream that I cannot wake up from.
My chance for a transplant is gone.
Fresenius Home Hemo Training
Solution bag heating options for manual exchange.
Need to go back after 15 years
My Home Hemodialysis supply setup
13 minutes into the session:
Dialysis and urine output
Are you losing weight unintentionally?
Fistula clotted
Post Dialysis Routine
I just can't do this :(
NxStage Pureflow
Question about urination.
Home hemo training
What do you eat/ drink that you shouldn't buy do anyway as a dialysis patient
Indications for vascular access interventions
Lower right flank pain
choosing a medicare drug plan
So tired after dialysis.
Anyone on Hemo still making a lot of urine?
Stop assuming my husband is on disability!!!
What food do you miss most since starting dialysis?
Energy drinks