How do single celebrities get sex?
Is coffin for my dwarf friend smaller and cheaper?
What is a good gap between fapping?
How do you find enjoyment from a 9am-5pm desk job life?
Why does sometimes running a delicate touch (like that of a feather) along the edge of the ulnar side of the human hand trigger a tingling sensation at the tip or frenulum of the penis or genital area?
How does being licked make me cleaner?
It's a fire world inside the crater of Geldingadalir volcano in Iceland
How likely is it that the previous guest had sex in our current hotel room? Feeling kinda grossed out tbh
Why Germany has not banned Mr Elon?
What is the appeal of studio filmed porn?
Do people really derive pleasure from French kissing?
Is smoking cigarettes more pleasurable than wanking?
What triggered your no "O" streak to end?
What to watch after bored of porn?
Is it bad to wank when I am bored
How do they hang dwarfes?
If someone is kept in a basement, could a neighbour expose it?
If dr banner has nsfw dreams, does he wake up as incredible hulk?
Are virgin animals stigmatised by other animals?
If cristiano ronaldo hypothetically died the day before the balond'or ceremony, Would it be called off?
What's the funniest porn you've seen?
Do drug addicts still wank?
Do people who work from home really work a solid 8 hour straight?
Is it still called a booger if it is another type of thick liquid?
Do you need to unroll the entire condom?