PR Processing Times - Nov 2024
What is the usual range of test results for Graves’ disease?
They are starting to smile at each other 🥹
Where can I buy Suica no Penguin goods?
Do you have ''comfort limits" when it comes to reading certain books?
Metropolitan Area Supermarkets Consumer Stereotypes List. I’m definitely somewhere between Price Hero and Price Destruction. How about you?
What, in your opinion, is the worst station in Tokyo?
What ridiculous thing made your baby cry?
Women age 35-40 or over who got pregnant naturally
For the females: how do you deal with calling your husband ご主人 in Japanese?
Five women launch lawsuit in Tokyo for right to undergo voluntary sterilisation in Japan
What would you pay money for?
I completely forgot twins needed names!
Do you think there is a higher purpose/ destiny why some parents get twins/multiples or some don't?
Frustration being pregnant in Japan!
Does your body feel better once you've given birth?
Breakdown cost of total hospital bill after caesarean section
What country are you from and how are solids introduced there?
Which supermarket is your favourite in Japan?
Had my baby this morning! Fun fact, I did not in fact know what a contraction felt like.
What 'sayings' grind your gears... I'll go first:
I can't imagine not being pregnant with twins
Unpopular opinions
High costs blamed for drop in international tourists to Australia, with visitor figures still millions lower than pre-COVID levels
What’s the psychology behind ぶつかり男? (Guys who shoulder barge people)