What is the weirdest unsolicited comment you've ever gotten about your appearance?
I'm bi but my brain automatically does this to everything about husbands. For why?
Because where is the lie lol
Lesbian movies are a complete disappointment
That Vibe Shift and Ni
how do you accept that some people don't care to be good?
1.2 year hair growth
Thinking I’ll be alone forever…
Can someone help me understand why A is wrong and C is right? Qpack Vol. 2 P/S Passage 7 Q1
I really like my friend but I’m not sure if hates talking to me
Are yall crushing on anyone rn?
feel like the only one whose experienced a bad queer relationship
Do your own people abhor you?
I need advice
Let’s see what our “sisters” are saying about us
can you be friends with a conservative?
James franco or Dave franco
What are these so called relationship skills that single people don´t have?
At what age did you have your first girlfriend?
Is using AI Chatbot considered as cheating?
I'm a queer woman of color, but I don't seem to attract queer women of color
Anyone else feels completely detached from the LGBT community?
It do be liek that
What celebrities do you resemble/are you compared to?
Is the Her app a waste of time?