Tell me your wackiest bathroom story. OWE
Can grown men still make pinky promises? OWE
Tell me your wildest fantasy. OWE
But why males models… ? OWE
In a manner of speaking, OWE
The best advice I ever received was to “remember the three T’s”, which stands for _______________OWE
Seduce me.
The new exercise sweeping the nation is ___ OWE
The best music from the 90s was from a barely known band called _______________ OWE
Scientists Decode Whale Language—And Their Message Is: OWE
Are you aware that you can access over 120 lounges simply by showing _____? Are you a cardmember??? OWE
🙍 − 👚 = ?
It’s so freaking cold... Anybody wanna cuddle??? OWE
He’s Gavin, guys!
I’m not gay I’m _____
Minnesota, the land of _______ OWE
I was bound and abducted for ………. OWE
Microwave? Micronesia? No. Micro_______. OWE
Remember people, we don’t say ____ anymore.
I need you to donate right now to ________________ OWE
Do NOT go in the pool. There’s _____________ in there. OWE
Shit. I got a tattoo of some words in a foreign language, but a rando on the street just told me they translate to "____" OWE
I just really ducking hate those _________. OWE
One very sleepy girl [/u/Eepycatz]
One very sleepy girl 🥰
Hello, my lovely __________ OWE