Yep don't ask if you don't like curse words
To everyone saying that maliketh is BS, here's a proof that he's completely fair and best boss, you just need to learn his moveset.
just kill me 💔
Favorite boss out of these 5?
It just clicks
Argument starter incarnate, (Saw cleaver is better for bosses)
Trying to live with Dolly sure is hard 😊🤭
I’m tired of pretending this boss is bad.
Just dropping this here to Show how elden ring fans cant count
Do you prefer Elden Ring's maingame or its DLC?
Which is your favorite way of regaining health items besides returning to a save point?
"Can't wait to see the cool interactions if I play this while Melina, Gideon and Malenia are still around"
Who felt harder to you between these two?
Wing Stance is kinda nutty
grrrrrrrrrr *explodes*
Orphan please
i LOVE spreading misinformation
More like slave knight gayel
Best Dragon Fight Ever Made
The real Demon in Pain was me all along (Ds3 Demon Prince - SL1 hitless fail)
Which boss has your favourite/most satisfying set of attacks to dodge
Cant get past commander Niah and Fire giant.
BB, DS3, ER. Which game had the best OSTs?
Still can't believe SoTE made npc fights actually fun on THREE different occasions. That's three more than all of the previous games