Civilization VIII
Knife is kinda useless. Fork is okay. But the spoons seem like they're not gonna hold liquid that well
Thanks I hate this flatware
Changing nozzle size
Best Battery type for long term storage and occasional high current output?
Civilization VII | Review Thread
Do you let your 3D printer run unattended?
In the last dev diary they mentioned increasing multilayer to 8 players in all ages and that's amazing news.
I've been playing Civ since Civ II. This is the first title I'm waiting for a sale on. Even in Australia this is ridiculous.
Treasure Fleets too easy?
My #1 Takeaway from the livestream: I'm going to want to turn off Score Victory
Hoher Kakaopreis: Bei etlichen Milka Tafeln schrumpft der Inhalt
Why did that happen?
First time NovaRock? - This might be useful for you
Since LEDs are current driven, does that mean that if proper Resistors are used, a LED can be operated by any Voltage?
Switch lite right mainboard/ speaker kinda broken??
When you forget to check supports, but the A1 has your back
RIP Just One More Turn
My cat won’t stop attacking me and now has given me an infection
What is the name of the app??
How to design vase walls for 3 lines with 0.42mm nozzle and no Arachne?
My Boy Brösel (Crumbs in German) always has all 4 feet on the rim of the litterbox when using it
I’m glad Trump got re-elected
Weird surface pattern on bottom half of print
Ran through a (somewhat) deep puddle, how to diagnose board?
LOL, Bambu changed their website to backpedal the whole mess from yesterday. Louis explains that they deleted and reworded a lot of stuff on their website.