Solo, Monday birthday ideas?
help me find this coat
Gimme lip combos like these pleaseeee
Want to bury my dead cat underneath the apple tree (chemo)
How much savings do you have?
Do you think I’m valid for being upset that my bf (M 29) is travelling alone with a girl mate, whilst I (F 35) am stuck in another place getting treatment for a major health issue?
disrespected after indiscreet bathroom question was asked, am I overthinking/reacting?
What are your opinions of criminal defense attorneys?
Best smelling hand cream?
Not really thrilled about my upcoming birthday gift. Am I wrong for wanting something else?
I lost my favourite scarf. Where can I find a new one? Originally purchased in Calgary, Alberta about ten years ago.
Met someone online
Freaking out. I messed up....
DAE have parents that are overly sensitive about swearing?
Can anyone keep a job or work normally
is too bad to scroll on social media while walking on the treadmill?
DAE have conversations with their cat that just consists of "I gotcha!"?
Why do most posts comments have censored karma?
Drinking alcohol
What is the exact name of this top?
Town is divided into two classes, they hate each-other, a teen dies because due to this.
Criminals choose a “normal” house to hide in but the family there is far from normal. Weird stuff ensues.
Some really shitty people, all of whom are generally shit at their jobs and live shit lives, lose their shit and fight over the shit.
Funny guy just wants to go home.
Best place to live as an international student