Serious question for the agnostic/atheists in this sub.
Have you personally noticed climate change?
What’s the best protest/political song(s) of all time?
Did anyone else watch the full Jake Barber interview and just fall in love with the guy?
Billionaire Larry Ellison says a vast AI-fueled surveillance system can ensure 'citizens will be on their best behavior'
Name of a Christian band that wouldn’t go over very well
Ross saw all you nay sayers coming from a mile away
NewsNation USA Live Stream Online
We live people tune in News Nation
Jeremy Corbell throws a tantrum after Rep. Nancy Mace and Michael Shellenberger fail to mention his name at the Immaculate Constelation hearing
The least socially acceptable song to play at a wedding reception?
what artist has you like this when they come on
Cruise control at 72.
Moving to Omaha NE, military. LGBTQ. What will Omaha be like? Accepting?
Just changed my mind about aliens. They are not friendly towards us…
@Knightleydisclosure on TikTok
I feel this belongs here
Danny Jones Podcast
Name for a band with all females that have poor hygiene
where are you from?
You just looked out the window and saw this...which music will you play before the radiation settles in?
New comers of this thread vs. the OG’s
Flashback to 2022. What is the seemingly fighting flashing objects near the bottom right of sky beginning ~19 seconds in? Maybe the battle has already been lost?
Soldier claims that we are launching the drones and that the orbs are the “aliens”. He says that in 2025 there will be a lot more truth exposed
Right now a Blackhawk is circling the Jersey shore.