Tomorrow will be Bowies last day. Wish him happy birthday
Just using condoms
Scared that going into Air Force will cause me to lose my relationship
Send me your cat photos, I’ll doodle them ^^
Georgetown last night
Rules/Policy Regarding Immigration Enfrocement Actions
where can i get a job at 15?
Am I too old to join the Air Force?
Can I get tattoos while in DEP?
TSP check! Currently serving folks, How long have you been in and how much do you have in TSP? Retirees, how much did you have in TSP when you retired?
What’s something AF that lives rent free in your head?
Tattoo Question
Safe scents for blind cat
Temporary birth control for BMT
Russell Park closed
You need to make this much to live comfortably in Austin ($122k)
[MI] Another employee grabbed my dick today, Is there anything I can do to prevent this from happening again?
“Thank you for your service” response
Joining The Army, should I get rid of most of my stuff or buy a 5x8 enclosed trailer?
Base gym
How can I save money living paycheck to paycheck with debt, I’ll take any advice I can get
Is this too much to pack for Bmt?
Neighbors left cats outside on long vacation
Insurance totaled my car and only wants to pay out 8k for car worth about 10k - 11k
Already saw an Airman born in 2007, they’re coming to a base near you!