Nice and simple lache route!
Super interesting paddle lache move at B-Pump Ogikubo! Not a send sadly
Dont think the paddle was the intended beta. But as long as its a send! Fun route overall!!!
Nice overhang crimpy, slopery route! With a nice paddle at the start
Nice coordination set!
Fun custom route i set on the spray wall!
Crazy dynos set by Yudai Ikeda himself! Couldnt do the first jump sadly :(
Nice and simple coordination!
Tried to be as smooth and quiet as possible
Nice and chill pogo!
Really fun one! Swing surprised me though
A little scary but super fun!
Not a send but really enjoyed the moves in this one!
Fun and simple paddle dyno!
Too short to do the intended beta! So I did a short people beta
Fun comp route with a swingy campus dyno!
Loooooong coordination with a small dyno at the end
Too short to do the intended! So came up with a coordination beta instead
Nice route! Tried to campus the last move though
Big swing and jump!
Paddle dyno!
Fun coordination dyno i did during my visit to brussels!
Fun coordi dyno!
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