How is everyone watching smackdown?
Is it just me or are all the cards this month pretty skippable?
Why am I having such an awful time in quick play?
Be honest…. How fast did you spend those 4k credits
It is the most ironic thing in the world to be playing a SUPER HERO and want to surrender as soon as you feel any kind of adversity.
Vanguard is the most fun role in my opinion. Why does nobody play it?
What is the achievement you KNOW you wont get? Here's mine 😭
Smackdown on netflix not showing up?
Yeah, I think it's time for me to log off for the day
Bullseye took me from 84 to infinite today. Alexander Coccia's deck is awesome.
PSA to U.S. players. you can still log in and play if you use a VPN.
Think about this logically for just five seconds, I beg of you.
Snap is scummy af
Furious that we were led on
Oh what happened? Now everyone wants to play support?
The difference is insane
Talk about bad takes
Deleting apps
"Partner with" achievements.
Just got lasher, HV needs 6 challenge slots. Unbelievably dumb on SDs’ part but it’s obvious why they do things like this at this point…
Please SD, make cosmetics count for the daily offer purchases reward. F2P players are dying out here 😫
I’ve never seen someone with such a high CL who’s never gotten out of Iron
Is MMM worth it?
How are we feeling about Doom2099?
Remember it's not what it seems