Should I shave my facial hair or let it keep growing?
Better with short, med, or long hair? How tight should I keep the beard?
3 year difference
Should I grow or keep as is?
Should I cut my hair after almost a year without a haircut? (M27)
Beard or stache
Australian dashers
What looks best on me? Be honest
What could I do to appear more masculine?
Golf tsi 2010
Beard vs no beard?
Mid or high fade with my current hair style?
Family Christmas time [33]
Whats your most fun card to play? I will go first
Hey how do I look? 36m
What is the most unskilled deck in ur opinion?
What is the best win condition in ur opinion?
Label created by sender?
Donuts around a cop
Whats up with firecracker
Hi guys just babysitting a dog and found this walking in house, is this a tick or am I being paranoid? Australia
Nah what was bro playing???