I have these and no idea how much they are worth
TFJ Giveaway From Todd Clause Guess a Number 1-500
H:Weapons W:Offers(Prefer Heavy Weps and Apparel)
Can I get a price on these two please?
H:Question W:Answer
H:Caps and pics W:AA/E .50 Cal
Are these worth anything?
H:Caps and Junk W:AA/E Heavies
H: AA/E Gatling Gun W: caps
H: list. W: offers of any kind, will consider treasure maps.
H:Guns W: Treasure maps, caps, wtv you wanna offer
H: niche trades W: AA/B commando or AA/B/I bow offers will do bundles
Can I get a price check on this please.
H: Ghostly Grinder Chainsaw Paint W: Offers
Is the Wraith Chainsaw Paint worth anything?