Coming back to PHP after years lost in Node
Someone still using Raw PHP over frameworks like laravel or symfony?
Rethinking PHP Routing – A New Approach with Typed Parameters
Backend along side Vue?
What is the best language to build a small Web application?
Why no Rust/zig instead of JavaScript ?
Introducing ext-mrloop
Announcing Mago: An Oxidized Toolchain for PHP
Using PHP 8.4 in production yet?
Aspect PHP extension
Roma, carabiniere ubriaco investe tre vigili urbani che facevano i rilievi per un incidente: uno ha perso la gamba
Does PHP benefit from having nested classes?
Property hooks in Practice
How to: Making CPU harder for VS battles / offline Battles (maximum difficulty)
Can I print with a TSC printer using TSPL?
PHP development on the Mac... Docker, VM?
Learning PHP and need a little help
TemPHPest - A VSCode Extension to make PHP Better
Which php version should I be using for wordpress for 2024??
Ma che sta succedendo a Bologna?
If PHP died today, which backend language would you choose?
State of Generics and Collections
We don't need runtime type checks
Migrating from Vue2 to Nuxt3
Define Your UI in JSON