Does anything about my truck look off?
Doomsday 747 just left St Pete. Anyone have any insight on this flight?
Boy got most heartwarming suprise ever
Anybody work for the city?
10 month waking restless
Thought I’d share this here. B-17, B-25, B-29, B-52, and a B-2 all in one video.
Why are the weigh stations on our interstates closed but not the Ag inspection stations?
Small plane flying over 49ers stadium during the game taking video for tv.
How can I make my wife, who has moved a lot, process and feel comfortable in our new town?
Witnessed a wreck
Trailer PSI for towing?
Real world vs GVWR
What to expect for Texas winter?
Evil building getting torn down in my city
Cadillac Deville, the official car of what?
Can’t find our camper model
Why is the Bible so boring to read?
Is becoming an electrician worth it?
Thoughts on this trailer for full time?
Thoughts on this for a full time 41ft 5th wheel?
Tips for traveling and living out of a trailer
Anyone heard or has anyone seen that IBEW-NECA has cancelled 5th year across the board?
1st year apprentice what else will help me out?
Love my tools
2011 EB Timing Chain replacement