What class to pick
Tips for dealing with image retention on an LCD screen?
Latest defy firmware broke my keyboard
Your opinion on succession sage
Would You Play a game like this?
Bankers rekordoverskud vækker forargelse – simpelthen blevet for grådigt, siger ekspert
Hi Veterans and new(ish) players! What is YOUR endgame?
I just notice these purchasable items/buffs at the Snow boarding site.
anyone else feel like this in AoS?
Am I cooked
lotml new character
making more characters?
Class for mindless grinding!!!
Me: "Oh no, I lost my best crystal!" BDO: "Don't worry! You can restore crystals... three times a year!" Me: "Phew!" - Proceed to use all three in January.
functional depression
dragon mount
Issues running deepseek
Pvp tier list
New Bazecor 1.6.2 and Beta firmware for the Defy and the Raise 2
What do i need to change
Skal SAS nu også boykottes?
Kuno Time
If you have 4 hour for play BDO a days. What do you do ?
Returning player - how do I proceed from here?