Think we are screwed.
Issues with bed adhesion - Neptune 3 Pro
Oculus Link will work with VirtualLink port ?
[Giveaway] I’m giving away a Quest copy of Synth Riders! Guess my number between 1-10000.
Debating buying a Quest
[OC] The Official Oculus Link cable is here -- LETS PLAY ( link in comments )
WTF is going on with Venom's opening line in Marvel: Powers United...
Does anyone have the new Logitech x56?
Does anybody else seem to spend more time looking for new games and watching gameplay videos to try to figure out which game to buy, then actually playing games?
WMR has risen to 5.17% on Steam Oculus Rift $20 off
Onward Free Weekend on Oculus Store, Thursday January 25th 1 PM EST to Monday January 29th 3 AM EST
I finally did it...from the first Dev Kit to the CV1.
Windows MR Headsets Now $200 On Amazon!
Anyone broke the cord holder piece on the side of the Lenovo headset?
Done with Bethesda once and for all.
Microsoft creates several “Reality Rooms” at their Garage locations.
Does it annoy anyone else how anti-oculus, pro-vive most of reddit is?
How do I turn the Rift off?
A (Not So) New Rift I Bought Direct From Amazon
Does anyone ever have issues with controller tracking when...
Lenovo Explorer vs Samsung Odesey
WMR stand
Go Buy this game!!! (Raw Data) fantastic for Samsung Odyssey