The rally is at Parliament Hill , they have a tent, signs, and tla letter writing campaign.
Pet World Bayshore has closed!
Support group for chronic pain starting tomorrow 🥰
Disabled people deserve to afford rent and food. Feb 5th 11am-1pm , Parlement Hill
Any survival camp near Ottawa ?
Canadian Disability Benefit is at risk of not receiving funding.
Disability advocacy event
The Reality of Outdoor Cats
Chronic pain support group
New group irl
I'd love your feedback on this idea for a landlord registry
Solidarity with other disabled people! The Canadian Disability Benefit is a long fought for added benefit that would be in addition to the current ODSP or provincial benefits. It needs to be finalized before funds are made available to disabled Canadians.
Join the Facebook group
Happy birthday 🎂 born 2017 . This is pebbles :)
I don’t think my boyfriend feeds his cat enough
The Warmbo wave
What goat is this? Angora?
Pebbles giving a blep
What’s the most expensive aspect of your disability?
My service dog (Sorra) at her retirement party and the puppy who's taking over the job (Petra.)
Happy pup
If you could choose to get one thing for free for the rest of your life, what would it be?
Ottawa’s biggest feline survey reveals people are against cats going outdoors