that guy who made the shitty Eagles/Rams roster comp is back at it
What is your GO TO pass play when you are 5 yards and in (from the goal line)?
I don't get it man, I did everything right and it still got picked somehow
Unhinged man goes on rampage, insults staff, and trashes store at Great Clips after being told it was closed (Santee, CA)
This gonna be wild server merges
What is your lil wayne deep cut?
Anyone here bought it 11.11.11 ? Tell me your stories!! Did u like it back then? Hype was real?!
What do you call these where you live? I call them crawfish.
What do you guys think of this play for my upcoming season?
Raiders possible personal
Some ?? lvl undead rogue tried to gank me, so I kited them from Ameth'aran to Auberdine and ended up getting my first HK, thank you Chinless- Nightslayer
When the sports fan bags a goth partner and they compromise~
Gotta level up your Henry before leaving the starting area
Free on epic games?
How did your 2024 draft class turn out now that the season is over for most of us?
19yr old first full year doing concrete in Boston ma
Tough times make strong men in future
"I'll let you get the first hit....."
Anyone else hitting a slump at level 30?
I've been radicalized. I'm done
This is probably the worst ranking possible wow this is shocking
This remindes me of the time I needed Peter to explain the joke
Prop 36 passed
How do you respond to students asking who you voted for?
Cant sell tevent fragments