What's the best pizza place in Perth?
5 year old Luna!
Currently a 3rd year old Engineering student starting my honours year in feb how hard is it to get first class honours or what is the most common honours to get?
HUMB1000 (failed e-TEST 1)
Title: Looking to Connect with Fellow Indian Students at Curtin University 🌏
Need help with enrolment 😭
Vickery House near Curtin
Failure to meet EPEP requirements to graduate (Engineering)
Question for Graduates
Mental Game $50k Loop Hole
Match Thread: 39th Match - Perth Scorchers vs Adelaide Strikers
Does it matter specifically what order you do your units in?
How much truth is there to this?
Clarification on Honour Ranks
Zombie media would be a lot more suspenseful if zombification is *not* guaranteed
First Class Honours on Transcript
Confused about CMHL1000 and HUMB1000 handbook
Computer Technology Project
what a thoughtful mom
Petition to keep these startup screen options forever…
Havent received any graduation updates
Swipe to the end for a surprise
Does anyone has a snap of Blackboard AI Examiner?
Which actress or actor do you like so much that you'd watch anything they're in?