It's the funny word, THE word!
Black cook immortal
Afraid of being wrong, blind in my ways, deluded.
What’s the funniest thing your OCD gets stuck on?
Do you morally question everything you see or do?
Who else is up sorrowmaxxing
have you ever done something opposite of your OCD obsession?
What's your current obsessions?
What age did your OCD develop?
i once convinced myself i had antisocial personality disorder and went to get EVALUATED for it
Do you feel like you are desentisized to the thing you never wanted to do?
OCD ASPD theme
Let’s be real, why are you still single?
does anybody else get intrusive thoughts without the what if?
Do you ever imagine what your life would be like without OCD or any other severe disorder.
I wish you could punch OCD in its face.
Intrusive narcissistic thoughts, any advice?
Are any of you emotionally burnt out?
AITA for putting my father in a bad position because I didn't want to use my ftiend?
Who am I..?
ocd plays would you rather with me
Personality Disorder obsession - Anyone else?
Anyone can make their tinnitus louder?
Is depression even real
anybody else worship?