Does anyone know what this thing is growing on my cat’s head?
My Dransword I ordered came in with a ripped sticker
First Glock (19.5)
Would anyone who owns a copy of scarlet be willing to trade and trade back their Koraidon?
Giving away THIS beauty!
Not even 2 hours in and Fuecoco almost killed it with auto battle
Would this Ralts be a 100% if I purified it or would it be a 15/12/15? (For mega purposes)
If I wanted to purify this Ralts, would it be a 100% or would it be a 15/12/15?
I followed the hoard and caught my first shundo! (Level 41 player since launch)
Can someone help me and tell me what a Fashion Challenger is/how I can battle one? I googled but didn‘t find anything.
Anyone Else waiting on their DSC Raid Jacket? Support got back to me, guess there's a store page that says shipping Sept-Oct
DSC jacket
The chess update looks cool
been doing it since i was 9 ✊
Friendship Exp & Gift Exchange Megathread
Carefully, he's a hero
We Did it Boys, ISIS is no more
Many people wanted to put the feh doll on Micaiah but I had other things going through my head
The true identity of the giant hand klaxosaur
Rain... where’s your drumset?
“It’s over Aniken. I have the high ground.”