What will happen if I cut this?
Guide to Runes and farming optimally
Final tank setup - Aztec Theme
does anyone else’s axie hang out in one spot for hours & not move?
Tank options
LOL Just a tad bit bigger than I expected….
Opinions on the character creator?
Axo R🌹se doesn’t like when worms touch or climb on him, so he holds them down with his face, until he is ready to munch up the worm! Anyone else’s Axo do this?
Video I just saw of someone pronouncing axolotl the way it would be in the original language.
Can they over eat???
What the fuck is he doing?
Greetings from bubble and nugget
New owner—why does he do this? He’s not stuck. He can very easily move around to get out of here.
Plants and light times
What type of axolotl do I have!
Chomp Chomp
staring contest 👀
After 9.5 years, I regret to say that Ponyo has moved on to the great aquarium in the Sky. She's eating blood worms with the lord now - thanks for all of your advice & support over the years ❤
Are axolotls hard to care for and keep up with??
no I do NOT have too many plants this is my BED I don’t have EYELIDS okay??
the way she stares at me 😂🥹