Which moment in your life was film-worthy?
3 years of hard work clean and sober is it time to cut?
What is the most basic thing you are terrible at?
Why would or wouldn’t you date yourself based on your personality?
How often do you flirt with women and try to get their number ?
Was sind die größten bzw. nervigsten Fitness/Gym Mythen?
I’m vegetarian and my mom hates it
My mom hates that I’m vegetarian
Gentleman: If a woman couldn't lie, what questions would you ask her?
If you could give every human one thing, what would it be?
Do you approach a conversation with strangers in the sauna?
How do you spend your free time (instead of gaming)?
What superstition you believe in?
What is something you'll never do, for as long as you live?
Worüber sollten wir alle mehr sprechen tun es aber nicht?
What is the nicest thing someone said to you?
What does Elon Musk, the richest man in the world, hope to achieve by sticking so close to Trump?
Was ist euer Meinung nach der gesündeste Sport
You suddenly have an unlimited amount of the thing described in your username. What are you rich with?
Schwester hat einen BMI von 13,7. Was kann passieren?
Welches Wort könnt ihr einfach nicht aussprechen?
What is the female equivalent of accidentally "sitting on your balls"?
What was the best thing about the best sex you ever had?
What tastes so good you can’t believe it’s healthy?
My wife says, "the foreplay starts as soon as you wake up and lasts all day." I need help. What does she mean?