My (28 F) crush (31M) has a fart kink.. how do I go about this?
Younger people, what is something elderly people do but you don't quite understand?
Gone are the days that the army can silence any creator that isn't praising MT (playback 1.5x)
What warm drink can I drink if I can’t have caffeine and chocolate?
Did your parents spank you as a form of discipline? How did it affect you?
What are you starting to like less the older you get?
People who’ve survived fatal/extremely severe car wrecks, what was it like?
What’s a small moment that made you realize you’re getting older?
Today a coworker died, emails went out... and his job got listed.
I got diagnosed with a skin infection. Does that make me any less cute?
"The Night the Lights Went Out in Georgia" is an interesting song pick for a mom grieving a gun death.
What instantly ruins a sandwich?
AITA for refusing to buy my wife a "push present"
What's a food that other people love but you hate?
What is THE word you can never spell correctly?
What is something that has slowly disappeared from society over the past 20 years, without most people realizing?
AITAH for not wanting to follow my mom’s rules if I’m paying half the rent
What are you scared of as an adult that you weren’t scared of as a child?
I did it!
What’s one thing a doctor told you that you’ve never forgotten?
Please post the most recent picture you took of your pup!
What was the first major news story you remember as a child?
Where are these people buying these quantities at?
Her new Facebook picture 😬 She’s really full of herself 🤣
My husband doesn’t want me to get a Master’s degree.