Which one looks the best in your opinion? 1,2 or 3
Favourite Carcass t-shirt?
Why do people glaze dead’s vocals?
First Mayhem show postponed on the day
Opinions on Attila?
Whats the most evil sounding black metal songs/albums/bands?
Is the Lords Of Chaos book worth reading?
Can anyone post photo of Mayhem merch booth
Bangalore Metal Concert ticket
Mayhem India Tickets
Bangalore Open Air 2025
Selling Mayhem tickets
What colour should I use?
AgNO3 turns milky white???
AgNO3 turns to White Milky precipitate
AgNO3 turns Milky?????
First Mayhem Concert (India)
What band is this?
Book Recommendation
Physical Review B
A guy is selling a 2011 Kawasaki 650R for 2lakhs. Is it worth buying in 2024?It has 6,000km on it and condition is good. Any opinions?Thanks
Ceramic Coating or Paint Protection Film
Laptops suitable for DFTs