Searching for a job
What is the easiest programing language to start with ?
Help me with finding some chat rooms
chat rooms
Les Moulins, Nice
Why can't I attack the queen? I thought the king could move diagonally?
Help me find this anime
What does “pedal” mean in Bulgaria?
Would you as a straight male suck another man's dick for a lot of money
Question about gaining weight
Do you enjoy towering over people?
Come on lets do this!
Do Males usually always outgrow they’re Dad ?
"The Kingdom of the Red Mages'' (My Own Manga with close Kingdom similarities)
Anyone really skinny for their height?
I woke up today, and my first thought was , "I don't enjoy this"
"Suicide doesn't end the pain, it just passes to someone else"
I want to die on a mediocre day.
I want to die but I can’t 😭 Please help me
I’m killing myself on my birthday next month
Are there any other anime or subtitles J dramas (with an actual ending) that have survival games?
My journey until now
How can I release my application that I made in Visual Studio ?