Club Brugge [2]-1 Atalanta - Gustaf Nilsson penalty 90'+4'
Riot is making (almost) the same mistake as Blizzard
Riot reveals WHY they are taking away Hexchests from us. Are you satisfied with the explanation given?
Season One Check-in | Dev Update - League of Legends
Should SAVING mechanics get some changes?
Your favourite progressive house track of all time?
/dev: Introducing Swiftplay
I don't think the map is neccesarily bad, BUT...
the run today was absolutely devastating 😖😖
Any known way to fix the connection issues?
Wolfe elite teambuilding
Wolfe elite team building
New Paladin Rare - Lifeguard
Poke champions and champion buff rebalancing
Found this at a thrift store. Anyone who knows what the big character says?
NRG vs. Weibo Gaming / 2023 World Championship - Swiss Round 1 / Post-Match Discussion
This f***in champ man I swear
“For the rest of the game…” effects for Rogue, Demon Hunter, Hunter and Priest!
Although not quite faceless, she will still overload your opponent with value!
In my opinion, more mythics passives should work in a similar way to Moonstone Renewer
Its absurd how dropping on someone and punching them is a better strategy than going for a gun early game
I have a 1.4 KD and was in a lobby with Mutex and King Richard. Skill Based is broken, this might explain posts of people struggling more since S4 came out
RiotScruffy: MID lane changes for 10.13