Daycare asking for a ton of milk
I’ve been on Reddit for a few weeks now. What’s the average age of someone who uses Reddit.
When the light turns green your only job is to move immediately...
How do people afford multiple pets?
I’m the ugly friend and I feel left out
Why do people get pets if they can't afford to go to the vet
Postpartum preeclampsia
Vacay proposal!
Did I misunderstand?
I have Focus Mode: Class on for school but spam and unknown numbers are still getting through on first attempt
“So, I asked this girl out, and she refused to go on a date to any of the 28 locations I suggested. It must be that she’s stubborn about location, I can’t think of any other reason she kept saying ‘no’ to me”
I can’t afford amputation but feel guilty about euthanizing, does anyone have advice or a similar experience?
What’s the weirdest/strangest thing someone has casually told you as if it was totally normal?
What do you think about people who give their pets human names?
A band where all the members are secretly vampires.
My (30M) wife (32F) tested positive for Chlamydia
Did you time out TTC around a particular birth month?
Dreamy pink and blue,I love her😋
Which movie is that for you?
What’s a movie scene where a female actress looked so beautiful that it’s stuck in your brain forever?
What is a show you watched during your childhood that you are convinced nobody remembers?
Hello, what name is suitable for my 7 month old puppy?
Paying extra for milk alternatives
All one family…
Is it normal to cry while your dog is being euthanized?