No tip on 600$ order
I took an order and filled an entire target bag with medicine.
Customers Really Irritate Me!
Has anyone really dug into seeing if Completion impacts offers?
Never shopping for her big orders again!
why i always take orders that include diapers, wipes and things for babies
Question about checkout
Has anyone rounded up to a 5? I’m curious.
Seeing orders/Available orders
Customer adding items before you start shopping
Cellphone sales folks in targets are annoying
Where is Shipt the most busy?
Shipt Customers are a whole other breed..
This customer makes me angry
Let’s get Well Hub Back! Or at least be heard by these sh^*#% folks
A whole microwave. And a whole mini fridge
Got my first preferred shopper today.
I know that customers read this so, wondering, do you just ignore tipping these days? 🧐
I like they give specific details in Summit for the previous 2 months
Multi Window Bundles
Question about accepting preferred shopper requests
Is no one going to mention the new gallery feature?
What is going on with the ratings?!!
4 years and I made 10k orders 💪💪💪
Promo orders only All week!!!