Day 1: Song that sounds SAD, with SAD lyrics
Enemy vehicle was pulling up to our base with some destroyed tires. He did not like what happened next and threatened a ban...
I’ve just ruined my save? How does job hunting work!?
FM25 is currently discounted by 10% on Steam without the game even being out yet.
Lodochka is missing
BIDA weil ich ihr Studium nicht weiter unterstützen möchte?
Getting lots of fines?
Ausbildung oder Studium
Returning to dive
What’s the best bottled water to buy when traveling to LA?
Why did I get A+ instead of S?
What's your grail setup? What do you currently run?
Why is it so difficult for teens to wake up early?
This one dynamic makes me play other games.
Headless chicken hypocrisy
Gestern in Berlin: „F*ck Germany. F*uck Israel“. Schade, nicht zielführend und nützt weder Zivilisten noch dem politischen Diskurs , sondern nur hassverbreitend.
Can I clean this lens?
Finally got Eden as my top artist and top song 🔥
then i would gladly pay it over and over and over til i’m broke
I'm sure there's other people who have listened more, but I'm satisfied with this year
i got scammed how is this not an s rank?
Why am I getting ghost bullets all a sudden.
ARB Spotting system?