Give them Bread...
I can't remember?
F R I D A Y....
My (25F) partner (30M) has lost interest in me sexually
Sum bullshit
What complete album do you know every single note and word of?
Young White women in Miami.
Friend (31F) has been referring to her fiancé (34M) who plead guilty to a crime “boyfriend” again publicly this past month
I got a school bus ticket on the opposite side of the road with a median. My car is the black car. Can anyone tell me why?
Am I doing the right thing by breaking up with my partner?
What are some dark truths about modern dating and what are the things that you should avoid and watch out for?
My (24F) new fiancé said she doesn’t want to marry me (24M) during an argument. Should I take that as a sign?
What’s something you secretly enjoy that people might judge you for?
If you could use all the computational power in the world to solve one mystery,what would it be?
What are disadvantages of being a white man?
I feel sociopathic because im not depressed after my breakup
Hypocrisy and Lying (21M) (21F)
Can I get charged this much for getting towed?
Wondering If I 18F should Have a conversation with my 19M boyfriend
If you came to Miami during or after covid, do you still like it here? Any ideas to leave Miami or do you think you’ll stay forver?
Cry about traffic and the cost of living all you want, but this is our life in February vs New York
Are things more violent in Miami now? My friend says things are “more violent than ever,” but I haven’t noticed anything
Creating a post for the sake of being heard
My ex sent me this
Where is the hill you are willing to die on?