Is this game real?
Genuinely how do people enjoy URF?
Could you guys make like halberd fighter viable?
My first playthrough and thoughts about combat
Thoughts on adding a stamina system.
Pikaboo on why his stream blew up
What class do you think performs well in HR (budget edition)
Thoughts about skill gap and minimum hours needed to be competitive
I feel bad for new/casual players.
Do you use anything other than Lightfoot boots? What does that say about the game?
The current state of Anniversary Fresh
Is True damage and +all healthy for the game?
Inferno totally needs more portals, have died five times in a row, for not finding a portal, and if I do, don't have enough time to secure it. pls bring back the portal spawns where they used to before their removal
Tarkov PvE. Worth it? [Discussion]
Please put more portals in inferno or im gonna kill myself.
Longsword does too much damage to squire rogue
Troll or Orc for Marksman Hunter PvP
Did people really enjoyed the min maxed gears that happened in 224 lobbies?
Which class can best hard carry a trio?
Hater at the outset but then I tried it
Wizard class identity?
We're beating Warzone! Keep it up!
Trying to play retail but folks keep just killing all the NPCs? What server is best for someone playing retail for the first time?
WoW Noob Stormfall hits lvl 60 for the first time with 0 Deaths in Hardcore
The new gearscore lobbies are bad.