Question: how much do I tip a tattoo artist
Elm tree with Dutch Elm Disease?
Best Tacos?
Probably the most infuriating video I've seen
What should I do?
Fresh vs Healed
Any advice for sitting through painful tattoo’s?
Help identifying?
Full bodysuit in all black and grey , of snakes, peonies, and skulls, to honor Benzaitan. Photo from Le Mondial de Tattouage in Paris. All work completed in last five years by Dana Helmuth / Maryland and Nyc.
Least unhinged MAGA boomer
Butt cheek lower back connector - advise!
50” dbh silver maple prune
Neighbour vandalised my tree
Exposing root flare and trimming roots
Hitch cord slipping
Seeking Advice - Cracked Bark
Did I plant my Monterrey Oak too close to the fence? Zone 9
Do I have to cut it down
My neighbor is building a fence and cut through this tree. Is this going to kill the tree? This is right on our property line, is there anything I can do about this?
My neighbor is building a fence and cut through this tree. Is this going to kill the tree?
Neighbors decided to “clean the property line to prepare for a fence” when it was -10 degrees out and damaged a bunch of our trees as well as trespassed onto our property to cut them.
Question: Are hand tattoos really that big of a deal breaker with jobs
I Hope You Parasites Had Fun While It Lasted. Now It’s Time To Pay.
Boomers gonna boom...
Pine Trees
Developer wants to cut down 80 year-old silver maple directly on my property line for 3 story apartment complex.