went on an unintentional bulk
Shoes off on the stairclimber?
What are the staples you personally need to stay on your deficit?
Gym crush
5'3"/ 165 v. 120 lbs
late start to day means breakfast for lunch. what did you have for lunch today?
i just ate a whole pizza
Who looked best with short hair??
weight loss plateau?
loosing weight at 140lbs
Why Am I losing weight so fast?
what am i supposed to do after a binge?
is hitting a protein goal necessary in a calorie deficit?
People who have lost a significant amount of weight, what has changed in your life as a result of losing the weight?
weightloss check in
What’s your favorite non-food treat for yourself?
Hot Honey is not hot
How much cash are y'all saving up for valentine's update???
what appetizer to share and lunch to have for less than 800 cal
Can't quit cold turkey
Yall think my sims are more maxis, alpha, or maxis mix?
Is losing 5 Lbs a week safe/healthy?
Does anyone even eat breakfast before work?