Calling all Creek Vets
Forget about enemy nerfs, what's an enemy you believe actually needs a buff? I'm gonna start by saying the annihilator tank
20 democratic heavy Barrages
Long time roaster, first time poster. You turds can’t hurt me.
Is Saz one of the worst characters in Peep Show?
How Mark should have responded
Favorite robot character, but you cannot repeat other people’s picks in the replies, I’ll start…
Help me confuse my boyfriend
Democracy's might is unparalleled
Of all the war crimes we can commit, where the Cryo weapons at my dudes?
What’s a gun you’ve been sleeping on and only recently discovered absolutely slaps, I’ll start
Found the super sample rock
Even worse description on Prime...
Favorite episodes
You’ve got one episode to pick as your #1 .. which one is it?
And When the Sky Was Opened is the scariest episode of them all. (To me anyway)
This sub is like a life support machine... It's DAY 6 - Who is a horrible person fans are divided on?
Must be made of rubber
Throwing together a tripping playlist!! Any song/band recommendations and good vibes to throw on?
Which character can calm down a crying baby the fastest?
Underappreciated lines
Should I feel like a failure at 27? Is social media deluding me?
Do new players get this cape?
What’s Some Un-Quoted Gold From the Show?
Games That Still Deserve A Remake?