Women in Prog
Genesis Tier List + Update
Without even thinking about it, what are your top three prog rock songs?
In which area of your country is there the least comprehensible dialect?
Ik ben geschrokken over hoe makkelijk mensen met Nazisme omgaan.
BZN - Second Autumn. Heavy prog-ish from the Netherlands, 1971
Strange women lying in ponds distributing swords is no basis for a system of government
Ron Brandsteder (74) overleden
Favorite song written by Chris?
Help - Husband just started down QAnon/Conspiracy path
What dish in your country is considered to be best?
How often do you go to famous museums or locations in your country frequently?
Supper's Ready - live at Leicester 1973. The one that didn't end up on Genesis Live, but did go on a Dutch test pressing.
Ilia's Theme, the disco version by Meco. I love it.
Lisa Glaser
The queen orders you to attend her in her royal bath
Nuns offer a weary traveler some hospitality
Selfie Sunday
Veranderen de klemtonen of ligt het aan mij?
Stacey Poole
The mindset that sex is a drug?
What song do you think has the largest gap between melody/production and lyrics?
What's a meal that you make that everyone else finds gross?
Best live albums?
Olifantenpaadje omzeilt hek