If you had to delete a song from a particular rapper what would it be?
Okay, I will say it since nobody else won't and is ignoring common sense
You get the Aux for one song only, what you playing?
Favorite beats
songs like amari
Reccomend me sum Pluto
You get the Aux for one song, what you playing?
Cole Freestyling
Need some help
I Was Hoping to see J Cole On The Super bowl stage With Kendrick Lamar but it didn't happen
What do you think AWGE means?
What is J cole’s most Lyrical song? Most upvoted comment gets added
Cole World!
Sir Frederick
What’s a cole song u think a lot of people won’t know about ?
This may be an unpopular opinion but I hope there are no features on The Fall Off.
Advice Needed
Help me!
“When’s the last time you had sex?” Why???
Iron fitting
I'm ready to die.
Help me find this book
Iron Cleaning Advice
Sleeping during the day
Are putting mirrors worth it?