Tunnel vision on cloak, nice little penta
First level 90 HC gone , wack way to go out
Emerald 1 is unattainable?
Top 500 player False banned.
ring around the rosie
almost had it
The more I play the further the distance round the corner I’m killed.
Low FPS and stutter shortly into 2nd season
Could you tell I almost shit my pants?
Spawn points are awful
Driller + Loot bug map go brrrrr
When will SBMM be fixed ?
Draconic Destruction precon upgrade
Paladium Deposits
Xenagos stompy deck adjustments
Xenagos stomp Deck rating/improvement?
Tournament suspensions
Confused with the best way to run plex and serve media files to it.
Unable to login
'Your login credentials don't match an account in our system.'
VM Performance compared to Unraid
Interesting VM interaction
rtx 4060 use in G9 pl380