This weird custom Lego minifigure that I just found while cleaning out my drawers looks mostly Lego Ninjago
Does anyone know what set this could be from
It's a genuine THUNDERBOLT magnum
In my opinion other cameras on the subreddit cannot top this one
Rate my setup
Add "up my ass" to the last song you listened to
Made some small but noticeable changes to my first setup to make it look better
My very first word working project did not really go as planned but still ended up okayish
[Transformers watch] tiny transformer watch I got a long time ago
A small game collection I have collected over the years
my girlfriend’s new meds are spherical
My first pair of Jordans
guys, i don't care if im going to start a war but what is the most overrated game?
Just picked up this for $10!
The most off-center bezel on a bootleg third gen nano
My first iPod na-no and it looks like it got hit by a one grit (still works)
Overpriced beautifully yellowed Craig shuffle
Three Craig's for only $69.99 what a deal. should I get them?
Mate, these are some genuine Flydeers, super heavy duty too (these weigh absolutely nothing)
Look everyone it's a genuine bōrne
We DO judge
Is it worth it to upgrade my 4060 to a 5070 when it comes out
Look what my brother got me ☹️