LL Fact of the day #1,127: An overall use rate and win rate graph was posted by the PvP balancer, showing the top 100.
LL Fact of the day #1,126: Poison and Sleep are the only status aliments to be able to overtake another aliment, having slumber and beast slumber for sleep and the ability toxic sac for poison.
LL Fact of the day #1,125: The overall stats for season 0 of ranked have been posted, giving details on loomian information in general.
LL Fact of the day #1,124: The PvP balancer recently posted the loomians who were being banned in season 1 of ranked, and why they were being banned.
LL Fact of the day #1,123: The concept artist for the snicle line shared the only concept drawn, having no beta design whatsoever.
How do I actively kill masha as guin? I tried everything I could think of, but nothing worked which resulted in me losing my lane harder than I should of every attempt.
my bad, should of played better
LL Fact of the day #1,122: With the addition of the 2025 Lunar New Year event, the nurse in the loomian trainer station can also be seen dressing up for the occasion.
I made some fanart
LL Fact of the day #1,121: Stellarchime celesting has the lowest defense out of any non evolving loomian, and second lowest defense out of any loomian.
LL Fact of the day #1,120: Gleam forms in dream teams were purposely left out in order to work on implementing them later.
Ok bro wth
Buzz Lightyear should not be able to be used in the championship challenge.
LL Fact of the day #1,119: If you were in a server before the season 0 rank reset, you would keep your MMR untill you swapped to another server.
LL Fact of the day #1,118: With the addition of the Lunar New Year event, the new loomian is the only loomian at the time to be released alongside its reskin.
📢 ToS2 Mobile Live + Console Confirmed for 2025 🎮
what if granger had whatsapp
LL Fact of the day #1,117: You cannot currently upload any custom wallpaper, as they just stay blank trying any decal ID.
average gene player
LL Fact of the day #1,116: An extension for the 2024 jolly village event was announced, having three more hours added untill its original end time.
Thoughts on Daisy 2.0?
yeah bro just give me a second just gotta float in the air for a bit
LL Fact of the day #1,115: Bringing a gamma gleaming loomian to dream teams will cause its corresponding wisp to circle around the non gleaming dream team counterpart.
new plastonix video dropped with my one accomplishment in it 💔
which one is better