Haha hey what the f---.
Welp we are screwed
This is the update I'm most excited for. Bless the Ministry of Humanity!
We might be screwed
Anyone else bothered by the fact that the Squids don’t have Mega Outposts on level 10 like the bugs and the bots?
They added Hellmire to real life in the new patch 🔥
Looks like people are starting to understand
Not my proudest moment
The state of the Helldivers community lately:
My response to u/_Random_Guy-
Minigun this, minigun that. Shut up. Arc Guard Dog. Teamkiller 9000.
HD2 morphing into HD3 sounds better than launching a new game.
Nice laser you have there, however:
Am I the only one who desperately wants a more long term progression system?
A Helldivers x Killzone update: Seasons Greetings
Automatons on Shelt after the illuminates launched another attack
Don't look at the Like-Dislike ratio, look at the Like-Views ratio. The fans ARE excited. People disliking were never going to buy the game anyway. This game will be amazing.
Oh god here come the politics
Intergalactic is gonna be one of the games of all time 🙏
Illuminates lost
She’s starting to ask questions 👀
I think she’s onto something 👀
Naughty Dog and Neil Cuckmann fanboys coming to this sub after the Concord 2 trailer be like:
TGA Trailers in a nutshell