i’m in mcdonald’s and i found this little baby sitting, so i sat next to her
Beste Universitäten für Informatik in Deutschland
Which tower troop should I use with this deck?
Just maxed my main
Germans protesting the far right. Tens of thousands of them. Americans take note.
[MEGATHREAD] Eure Fragen an...
Linke freut sich über „Eintrittswelle“ wegen Merz
Studium Wahl
Is asking for 60k realistic or how to approach entry level salary?
SWE Stud. Hilfskraft im TVÖD
Warning to the college Freshmen
Completed bachelor's degree no experience yet. Should I look into Masters in a Europe.
Do women get the ick when you open up as a man?
Elon Musk appears on video at German far right campaign event
R6 Maps over the past decade, which one is your favorite?
Studium ohne Abitur – Welche Möglichkeiten gibt es?
Those who were named in a note of someone who passed away unexpectedly, what did it say?
Modern dating is weird!
I went to a BDSM social event and it changed my life drastically for the better
Tell me your favourite theorem, lemma, or conjecture
Drop your best Suno Song
Ja Mama, natürlich macht es mir nix aus meinen Bachelor in 11+ Semestern fertigzumachen (Hilfe, macht das es aufhört)
Uh oh