Black dress 1 or 2?
Unable to apply coupon after purchase - system error.
My guy needs a name.
i am so fucking jealous of girls with big boobs
Does the freaking high cost of soda cause anybody else to drink a lot less?
How do you not physically drop out working 3 or 6 months straight?
What does my fridge say about me?
This is my apartment. What’s it say about me?
It was a goodie. But the cheese…..
I’m 20M, be honest does my bedroom appear girly?
I don’t know if this lines up with Nice girls but how do I even go about ending this ?
Would it be the worst thing if I buy?
Friend says that my hygiene routine is too much and that I should tell my therapist
You are given $25,000 to start a business. What do you do?
Soooo! Here’s another one of my new dresses. We did a photoshoot specifically to showcase and sell these dresses in different colors, just like the one in the photo. What’s your opinion about this dress? 🥰
AIO? Gf talking to me
What does me + my boyfriend’s fridge say about us?
Done with Acorns, ready to move ~$1000… but where?
my girlfriends lunch
Growing up did you really have to shower naked after sports at school?
Is it weird to bring your date a flower (first to thrid date)?