UDL and Inclusion have hurt learning for a lot of students
Who said PD wasn’t fun? I got district admin to admit we’ve been teaching kids to read incorrectly.
I left my sub assignment crying and being laughed at
Principal requiring us to complete lessons before we assign them.
Whoever said there was no such thing as a stupid question was never a teacher...
Always bad things about teaching not enough good stuff
Do you care when subs sit at your desk?
Teachers who's the real you?
How do I get my students to care?
What is your threshold for taking a sick day?
teacher of the year awards - it's the worst person you know
HS teachers: How far out are you planned?
Any New Years resolution for your class
Do teachers prioritise the most gifted kids or the least able kids?
Are there any happy teachers?
Here are the reasons I am trying to get out. (Long rant)
Teach us real things, but don't make it difficult
Students tuning out lesson because “it’s not individualized to them.”
I need a clever comeback to a teen boy saying ‘a woman’s place is in the kitchen’
Cheating and justifying
1st year - How to get my kids to stop cussing
What Should I Say to Students Calling Me Slim Shady?
What’s the most ridiculous thing that’s come out of your mouth this week? No context edition!
Curious about reading levels
This email was sent to all parents at a Middle School near me - I doubt the parents that need to see it will even bother reading.