Weird bug worm thing. What is it
Luck - Riley watto (me) [slow trap]
Luck - Riley watto (me)
Something I made. I'm thinking of going into music. sorry for bad recording, I have NO equipment. Recorded in bandlab
Should I invest in my music?
For the people that are 15+ on r/teenagers
What should I name my kitten?
Can someone explain cat breeding to me. I want to breed my cat when it's older but I have only ever bred dogs. (It's WAY easier)
i want friends!!(16f)
It's crazy to think that I'm 16 now. Time flies.
Tell me what book you’re reading rn
What song makes you want to lie down and forget about life?
Hey everyone I’m gay
Guys what should I name my kitten? (Female)
Guys after ages of Thinking I've decided on a name... Say hello to KING VON (female)
Who do you have a crush rn? 🤭