BSC Draft Scenarios #3 - Which brawlers would you pick here? Answers to the previous post in my comment :D
4 horsemen of bad randoms
Most picked brawler per game mode, thoughts?
I loved using Morris's Kit! 🤣
Morris's Kit was so fun to play!!!
Pearl Healing Gadget is now SECRETLY VIABLE?? 🚨❗
I accidentally picked angelo instead of hank...
Ollie's ultimate deals the same damage,despite the powercubes
I opened 3 legendary star drops today :(
My Ideal Ranked Map Pool
What skins did you guys buy from the event?
Final thoughts on Ollie after playing him way too much.
What’s your favorite Bee Swarm OST
A huge list of all the bugs I've seen so far so you don't have to make one (Please tell me if there are more...)
Early Red or Blue if I don't macro?
Literally unplayable
A HUGE LIST OF ALL THE BUGS I've made so you don't have to :D
A huge list of all the bugs I've seen so far so you don't have to make one (LMK if there are any more)
This has been in the game for more than 2 months
Ollie can make the minecart disappear...
How do these people even have fun?
wOw gUyS LEt'S rEleASE tWo BRawleRS tHaT cAn MAke ThE mInEcArT dISapPeAr!
Ollie can hyptonyze the minecarts so they disappear
Official news on how Ollie and Meeple will be handled during the February Monthly.
"Pornography has already breached our defences"