EVERYTHING OFFERED IS ON ALT. Offering BG Shines, Apex Lugia, and Apex Ho-oh. Looking for mons in last picture. DM what you are offering and looking for. I’m not open to other offers. Can’t fly.
Looking for skiddo, shiny or not. Offering below
Looking for mirror trade, offering below
Looking for Morpeko, offering Morkpeko. (For GBL)
Any luck on getting Great League PvP IV for Rookidee yet? Saw 1 but fled. Seems very rare at this rate.
Looking for: Apex Ho-oh/Lugia. Offering the following and more. Will do multiple for 1.
Looking for shiny groudon, Offering Shiny necrozma. Instant trade
Looking for (see below). Can offer (see below). Thanks!
Lf shiny ray and arm mewtwo. Offering below. Can do 2:1.
Looking for: CarlosZJara
Created (r/LuckyFriendsFinder) community in hopes to find our long lost lucky friends. Please spread.
Looking for registered trade or 30 day
Lf offering
Looking for lucky meta relevant pokemon. Please send offers
There she is! After an hour of incense (courtesy of Dialga RoT)
Lf: Shiny Heatron. offering shiny Zacian
Looking for pic can offer pic
Trio finally complete with extra Rayray treats.
Taking one to Level 50. Is the 15 attack still way better even if the 14 attack will be at Level 51 when buddied? (PvP)
Stuck on Shadow Lugia Raids
Looking for shiny rayquaza can offer Everything below can't fly
Trade? ROT
A raids glitch